More fun facts?
❓ There’s a pink lake in Australia.
❓ The human brain is the fattiest organ in the body.
❓ The first recorded selfie was taken in the 2000s.
❓ The world’s largest desert is the Sahara.
❓ Cows have best friends and get stressed when separated.
❓ A single teaspoon of honey represents the life’s work of 12 bees.
❓ There is a species of lizard that can shoot blood from its eyes.
❓ A day on Jupiter is shorter than a day on Earth.
❓ A group of flamingos is called a "parliment.”
❓ If you folded a piece of paper 42 times, it would reach the Moon.
❓ The human body glows in the dark.
❓ The inventor of Coca-Cola originally intended it to be a medicine.
❓ There was a war fought over a bucket.
❓ The moon is slowly moving closer to Earth.
❓ It is widely believed that slaves built the Pyramids of Giza.
❓ The average cloud weighs over a million pounds.
❓ Sharks are the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
❓ You can hear a blue whale’s heartbeat from over two miles away.
❓ The Great Fire of London ended because it rained.
❓ The inventor of the guillotine was executed by his own device.
❓ There has only ever been 6 checkmates in the history of the Chess World Championships, going back to 1886.
❓ Neptune is the only planet that spins clockwise
❓ It is illegal to own just one Guinea Pig in Switzerland
❓ Of the original 49, the #13 is the least drawn number in the UK Lotto
❓ The record for surviving a fall from a plane without a parachute is over 30,000 feet.
❓ The inventor of the Rubik’s Cube took over a month to solve his own puzzle.
❓ There was once a medieval law that banned people from dying inside the Houses of Parliament in London.
❓ If you touch a baby bird, its mother will reject it.
❓ The human body completely replaces all its cells every seven years.
❓ Some turtles can breathe through their butts.
❓ The Titanic was the first ship to use the SOS distress signal.
❓ The original name for Google was "BackRub.”
❓ The Great Wall of China was built in one continuous project.
❓ In 1518, a dancing plague caused people to dance uncontrollably for days.
❓ The first alarm clock could only ring at one time of day.
❓ The letter "J" was the last letter added to the English alphabet.
❓ A U.S. town once elected a dog as its may
❓ There is a town in Canada where you are legally required to smile.
❓ The Guinness Book of World Records was created to settle bar arguments.
❓ The word “quarantine” comes from an old Italian practice of isolating ships for 40 days.
❓ There is a place on Earth where you can stand in five countries at once.
❓ The shortest war in history lasted less than an hour.
❓ Stephen Hawking declined a knighthood from the Queen of England.
❓ A black panther isn’t actually a species of cat.
❓ Your brain feels pain more strongly than any other organ.
❓ Monaco is the smallest country in the world.
❓ The Spanish Flu originated in Spain.
❓ Algeria is larger in size than Greenland.
❓ A crocodile cannot stick out its tongue.
❓ You swallow an average of eight spiders per year in your sleep.
❓ The inventor of the Pringles can is buried in one.
❓ The inventor of the fire hydrant is unknown because the patent was destroyed in a fire.
❓ An aeroplane's black box is yellow.
❓ Crash Bandicoot was almost called Willy the Wombat.
❓ Sonic the Hedgehog was initially designed to be a rabbit.
❓ Humans evolved from chimpanzees.
❓ The tongue has specific taste zones for sweet, salty, sour, and bitter.
❓ The chemical symbol for gold is Au because it stands for "aurum," the Latin word for gold.
❓ The Premier League trophy is made entirely of gold.
❓ Manchester United was the first team to win the Premier League.
❓ London has more Indian restaurants than Mumbai.
❓ Raindrops are tear-shaped as they fall from the sky.
❓ The original London Bridge is now in Arizona.
❓ The dot over the letter "i" is officially called a "tittle.”
❓ The first oranges weren’t orange; they were green.
❓ A shrimp’s heart is located in its tail.
❓ Penguins have knees.
❓ The Eiffel Tower was originally intended to be built in Barcelona, not Paris.
❓ The inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, refused to have a telephone in his office.
❓ The Gaming Industry see more revenue that the Film and Music Industries combined.
❓ The PlayStation 2 was the best-selling console of all time.
❓ The best-selling video game of all time is Minecraft
❓ The longest recorded tennis match lasted over 11 hours.
❓ The NBA logo features Michael Jordan
❓ Water can boil and freeze at the same time.
❓ Humans have the same number of neck vertebrae as giraffes.
❓ Water in a toilet flushes in opposite directions in the northern and southern hemispheres.
❓ Bananas grow on trees.
❓ Penguins can smell underwater.
❓ The longest hiccuping spree lasted over 50 years.
❓ Cows can sleep standing up, but they can’t dream unless they lie down.
❓ Sloths can hold their breath under water for longer than dolphins.
❓ New Year’s Day is the oldest celebrated holiday in history.
❓ Eating 12 grapes at midnight is a New Year’s Eve tradition in Spain.
❓ Despicable Me 4 was the top grossing movie of 2024 Worldwide.
❓ In terms of hours watched, the most popular TV show on Netflix in 2024 was Bridgerton.
❓ The 2024 winter olympics took place in Milano-Cortina
❓ 2024 was a leap year
❓ Boxing Day gets its name from a tradition of giving servants a box of gifts.
❓ The tradition of gift-giving during Christmas originates from the story of the Three Wise Men.
❓ The modern image of Santa Claus was created by Coca-Cola.
❓ The song White Christmas is the best-selling single of all time.
❓ Candy canes were invented in the United States in the 20th century.
❓ The song Jingle Bells was originally written for Thanks Giving.
❓ The first artificial Christmas trees were made from goose feathers.
❓ A dog’s mouth is cleaner than a human’s.
❓ A cat’s nose print is as unique as a human fingerprint.
❓ Pink was historically considered a masculine color.
❓ Black is not considered a color because it absorbs all visible light.
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