More fun facts?
❓ Mount Everest is the tallest mountain on Earth from base to summit.
❓ A group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance.”
❓ The Great Pyramid of Giza was originally covered in smooth white limestone.
❓ Bees can recognize human faces
❓ Napoleon Bonaparte was extremely short
❓ The Pacific Ocean is wider than the moon.
❓ Humans share approximately 50% of their DNA with bananas
❓ The Eiffel Tower can grow taller in summer.
❓ Chameleons change color to blend in with their surroundings.
❓ A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus.
❓ The shortest war in history lasted 38 minutes.
❓ Ablutophobia is the fear of bathing.
❓ The female blanket octopus is 10,000 times heavier than the male
❓ Taylor Swift's first job was on a Christmas Tree farm
❓ A group of crocodiles is known as a shrewdness
❓ Kelly Clarkson came 4th on the first series of American Idol
❓ The Downton Abbey series starts the day after the sinking of the Titanic
❓ Ketchup used to be sold as a medicine
❓ Three strikes in a row in bowling is called a chicken
❓ Butterflies taste through their wings
❓ In 2023, the most spoken language in the world was English
❓ Lightening is hotter than the surface of the sun
❓ Frozen II is the highest grossing animated movie of all time
❓ Elizabeth I was the daughter of Henry VIII
❓ Antibiotics are effective against viruses
❓ Crocodiles sweat through their tails
❓ The titanic sank on its maiden voyage
❓ Sound travels faster in water than ait
❓ The average human body is about 60% water
❓ Astronauts shrink in space
❓ The biggest tyre producer in the world is Michelin
❓ The oldest city in the UK is Chester
❓ Toy Story was Pixar's first movie
❓ Disney's biggest grossing movie is Avengers: End Game
❓ Deleware is the smallest US State
❓ Hannukah lasts for 7 days
❓ The ‘Edinburgh Fringe Festival’ is the biggest arts festival in the world
❓ A group of giraffes is known as a tower
❓ The mammal with the slowest digestion rate is a Sloth
❓ Rihanna was born in the Bahamas
❓ Opposite numbers on a dice always add up to 7
❓ The letter K in Scrable is worth 5points
❓ Harley-Davidson tried to trademark the sound of their engine revving
❓ The word news is an acronym for North, East, South, West because news is from around the globe
❓ Football was invented it China
❓ Eating too many carrots turns your skin orange
❓ Peru shares a boarder with Venezuela
❓ Meghan Markle's first name is actually Rachel
❓ A cross between a Horse and Zebra is a Hobra?
❓ In a deck of card, only the king of diamonds doesn't have a mustache
❓ The ‘District Line' in London has the most stops of any Tube line
❓ Playing Tetris after a traumatic event can help reduce PTSD symptoms.
❓ The first music video played on MTV was ‘Betty Davis Eyes’
❓ Pablo Picasso and The Rock were alive at the same time
❓ Lisa Kudrow originally played Roz in Frasier but was sacked after 3 days.
❓ The highest grossing movie of all time is Avengers: End Game
❓ Crocodiles sweat through their tail
❓ Brazil is home to the biggest population of Japanese people outside of Japan.
❓ France consumes the most wine in the world.
❓ The United Kingdom consumes the most chocolate per capita in the world.
❓ The great wall of China is long enough to span entirely around the equator.
❓ Kangaroos cannot walk backwards.
❓ The oldest tree in the world is less than 5000 years old.
❓ The longest river in the world is the Amazon river.
❓ The first commercial vacuum cleaner was powered by a bicycle.
❓ McDonald’s made broccoli that tasted like bubblegum.
❓ The length of the Great Wall of China is longer than the distance between London and Beijing.
❓ When a lightning hits a tree, the surrounding plants thrive.
❓ The Netherlands grows 90% of the world’s tulips.
❓ The longest continuous land border in the world is between Canada and the United States.
❓ The biggest plant in the world is in the Bahamas.
❓ The biggest church in the world is in Brazil.
❓ The first food eaten in space was a taco.
❓ There are more stars in space than grains of sand on Earth.
❓ Tea bags used to be made of silk.
❓ Saudi Arabia’s weekend is Friday and Saturday.
❓ For every grain of sand on Earth, there are 40 transistors.
❓ The moon is wider than Russia.
❓ Airport runway numbers are in sequential order corresponding to the time when they were built. Runway number 1 was built first, etc.
❓ One bottle of glass needs 1 million + years to decompose.
❓ Squirrel attacks are one of the top causes of power outages in the U.S.A.
❓ The largest plant in the world is in the Bahamas.
❓ Pigs are the sweatiest animal.
❓ Per person, people in China drink the most tea in the world.
❓ The creature that has killed more humans in history than any other is the mosquito.
❓ Scotland’s national animal is the unicorn.
❓ More than 50% of the human body’s bones are in the feet.
❓ A chicken once lived over a year after having its head cut off.
❓ Olympian Micheal Phelps has won more gold medals than the country of Mexico.
❓ The Eiffel Tower shrinks every year.
❓ The Great Wall of China is visible to the human eye from space.
❓ Lions typically live in groups of at least 30.
❓ Ravens can talk.
❓ The most expensive painting ever sold is by Leonardo da Vinci.
❓ France produces the most wine in the world.
❓ Darth Vader’s breathing sound was created using a walkie talkie.
❓ Swans mate for life; so if their partner dies, they die too.
❓ Sweden holds the record for the most Eurovision Song Contest wins.
❓ More than 90% of the world’s population lives in the northern hemisphere.
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